Wednesday, August 6, 2008

what are the factors that you see limiting the number of US citizens graduating in science and technology?

Thomas Stockwell
Independent Information Technology and Services Professional
Bill Gates came before the US Congress last month to proclaim that the US needs to increase the number of H1-B visas to fill the needs of the tech industry. What are the factors that you are witnessing that keep undergraduates who are US citizens from specializing in these fields?

Steve Durkee
Market Strategist/Analyst/Executive Director
Best Answers in: Education and Schools, Occupational Training
There has been a shift away from even basic science in many states to focus just on meeting federal standards as not to jeopardize funding for public education. With the integration of no child left behind, schools are forced to concentrate heavily on English and math as their primary function. The costs for standardized testing have cut out funding for additional programs that foster interest in these fields as well. Moreover, due to the technical nature of both the fields of science and technology there seems to be a misunderstanding of the wealth of opportunities that are out there today among the youth in this country. In speaking with over 6,000 students a year I have noticed that the more technical the field the less apt the student is to pursue it beyond high school. The lack of understanding is also carried forward by a large segment of our ageing population, of which has yet to embrace technology. If students do not think that their teachers can comprehend such things, how can we expect them to?

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